Our Story

Honey is in Our Blood!
Chris is a third-generation beekeeper!
His grandfather kept beehives in the Netherlands and passed the love of beekeeping onto his six sons.
Chris’ father, Henry, in 1975, began selling honey in the garage behind his house and named his operation Clovermead Apiaries.
In 1987, Henry and Ann moved and restored an old log cabin (1852) on to their farm, which is the home for the Honey Shop you enjoy today.
Chris & Christy
Chris and Christy bought the business in 2000
Chris and Christy took on the family tradition of restoring and re-using antique buildings and barn materials.
Over the years, Chris and Christy have dragged home and restored corn cribs, pig houses and even the Brownsville train station and antique outhouses!
The Tradition Continues
Fourth generation of the Hiemstra family
Now the fourth generation of the Hiemstra family is being raised with a love for bees and joined the farm operation, coming up with fun ideas and things to do at Clovermead.
In 2016 our family has struggled with the death of our youngest son, Jordan, who ended his life at 17. We strongly bee-lieve that healthy families are the foundation of Canadian society, and multi-generational play and shared experiences are essential to healthy relationships and healing from brokenness.
We are proud to be a part of the Tourism Industry in our area! Find more great places to visit in our Aylmer area.